Monday, September 28, 2009

oh what a blustery day

I lived for Winnie the Pooh as a kid. We owned a bunch of VHS tapes of the different cartoon episodes. HANDS DOWN the best was Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. You know what I'm talking about. The one with the windy fall day a.k.a my favorite weather in the world. Coudln't use a better word to describe today's weather. Our poor tree in our backyard is taking a beating with these high winds.

I have to run some errands, and here's hoping that I don't blow away.

P.S. How about those Colts? I'm lovin me some Reggie Wayne.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hook em horns

So last weekend I went to Austin to surprise one of my best friends, Abby, for her 23rd birthday! I had an amazing time in the Lonestar state.

So last Tuesday (the 15th) I really started thinking about going to visit Abby and Brandon (her fiance). They have been down there for about 2 months, with Brandon going to grad school at UT and Abby teaching kindergarten at a nearby school. After talking to Abby on the phone, I decided that it would be great if I came down for her birthday weekend! That's when Brandon and I got really sneaky.

Basically I found a ticket Tuesday night, and called my lovely sister to tell her about it. Then I found out that she had won 2 free airplane tickets for anywhere in the country that expire at the end of the year. Damnit. Literally it had been like an hour since I booked my flight when I found this information out. Oh well, can't spend it when you're dead I guess.

Luckily, Brandon was able to pick me up at the airport Friday afternoon, so it was just a waiting game for Abby to get home from school. I hid in the back room, and when she came in the house I came out and surprised her. It was great! I wish I had recorded it because it was priceless, and executing a surprise like that can be tricky but it turned out great.

Friday night we went to an awesome Mexican restaurant called Maudie's Milagro that my friend Kyle suggested. He goes to Purdue and is from Austin and always tells me how amazing the city is (you were right!). We sat out on the balcony and had huuuuge margaritas (well Abby and I did...). Then we went to Brandon's friend's apartment and hung out there for a while. Side note, Brandon has made some awesome friends, and they were funny and just great guys!

We decided to go out to the bars on 6th street, which I guess is pretty well-known in the Austin area. After unsuccessfully waiting for the bus to take us (it was literally packed with people) we started walking. Now, unlike in Indiana where it gets cooler at night, Austin pretty much stays the same temperature, which sucks for girls like me who sweat after being outside for 2 minutes of exposure. We ended up walking over 20 blocks to the bars, and I will admit that I complained. I wore gladiator flats which was a poor choice on my part, and my dogs were barking as Jeni would say. We actually were only at the bar for about an hour since it took a while to get there.

Saturday proved to be a somewhat of a lazy day. We woke up and watched football all morning. My Cards lost to the Kats which made Brandon happy (he's a UK alum....disgusting). Then we went to campus to tailgate for a bit for the big UT/Texas Tech game. It was a night game and College Game Day from ESPN was there. Unfortunately, Abby and I didn't run in to Kirk from College Game Day. I wanted to get his digits! Sooo hot.

Brandon scalped his 2 tickets and we went home to watch the game on TV. My flight was a 7am Sunday morning, so we thought it would be wise just to stay in. Texas ended up winning (which I found out in the morning since I had gone to bed already).

Overall, I had a fantastic time. It was lovely seeing Abby and Brandon as well as meeting new people and experiencing a new environment. Best money I've spent in a long time to make my best friend happy!

P.S. I will never wear that hideous burnt orange color, which my friend Joe corrected me: "It's called Texas Orange." Whatever. I will always be a Black and Gold girl!

Monday, September 21, 2009

top 25

We all know music is awesome. It makes everything better, from driving to cleaning your toilet. This we can all agree on. However, when it comes to taste in music, everyone has a different opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one.

I think it's really interesting to look at the songs you play the most. Everyone has their own comfort music, a go-to list of songs that they never get sick of. This is when I look at my Top 25 Most Played playlist on my iTunes. It is a very diverse group of artists, and coming in at #1 is Robin Thicke (not a competition...the next song came in 27 plays less).

1. Shooter by Robin Thicke feat. Lil Wayne
2. Bodysnatchers by Radiohead
3. Got to Give It Up by Marvin Gaye (shout to to Liz on that one!!)
4. FutureSex/LoveSounds by Justin Timberlake
5. Paper Planes by M.I.A
6. Look Into The Air by Explosions in the Sky
7. Shake It by Metro Station
8. Magic Hours by Explosions in the Sky
9. Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon
10. Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf feat Lil Wayne
11. Whatever You Like by T.I
12. I Feel Fine by The Beatles
13. A Song For Our Fathers by Explosions in the Sky
14. Notion by Kings of Leon
15. Glittering Blackness by Explosions in the Sky
16. Freeze by T-Pain
17. Remember Me As a Time Of Day by Explosions in the Sky
18. Paperback Writer by The Beatles
19. Snow and Lights by Explosions in the Sky
20. Fans by Kings of Leon
21. Time Stops by Explosions in the Sky
22. Single Ladies by Beyonce
23. Champagne by 311
24. Womanizer by Britney Spears
25. Time to Pretend by MGMT

So when I saw this list, I was genuinely surprised. Everyone knows my devoted love for the Beatles, and yet they were only on here a few times. Explosions in the Sky is one of my favorite bands. They don't sing, just make beautiful music. I always listen to them when I study and before bed, so that explains why they are on here so much. When I listen to the Beatles, I always listen to the full album instead of songs on repeat. But if I had to pick my favs, they would be: Paperback Writer, Day Tripper, Helter Skelter, Back in the USSR, I Feel Fine, Get Back, Don't Let Me Down, and Come Together. That was hard.

I consider myself to be open to all sorts of music. Just don't make me listen to country music.

Friday, September 4, 2009

So sorry...

Sooo apparently I haven't blogged in over a month. My bad. I guess I just didn't have anything fun or exciting to say. Well, the same can still be said. I can always think of something, though.

This weather lately has gotten me really excited. Why, you say? Because fall is the best season of all. Without question. Fall has the best temperature, not too hot or cold, that great fall breeze...can't be beat. I love bonfires, even though I smell for a week after it...and I know that my sheets will need to be washed the next morning. I love apple cider and picking pumpkins. I love Halloween, even though I'm considered an adult now. I love Thanksgiving, and being with my neighbors who are my family. I love putting on my first sweater of the year, and taking a deep breath in, so that I can smell the distinct scent of home.

Only a couple more weeks until it's "officially" fall, but lately I have gotten a taste for it, and it makes me long for it even more.