Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Goin to the Ship

Let's point out the obvious...I blow at blogging lately. It seems like that is always my first sentence in the last couple blogs I've done. Anyways, just got done watching the Colts/Jets game. I have to admit I did my fair share of yelling. I've tried to not go back to my screaming ways, but I am so sick of announcers and ESPN saying every week that the Colts are going to lose. It was literally driving me insane.

In non-sports related news, work has been great. I've been given more responsibilities which I love, and the days seem to fly by. I've started to pay off my loans (ugh) but it's nice to get going on that. I also get my benefits in a week!!! AHHH CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY TEETH CLEANED. I have said it before, people don't realize how much the little things help when you aren't insured anymore. I need new contacts, too. See you in a week, Dr. Meyer.

I'm going to start planning some trips here soon. I want to travel more this year, and I'm planning on going down to Texas again to see Abby and Brandon before they move back to Indy this summer (can't wait). I also want to visit my friend Katelyn in D.C. I haven't been there since I was 13. Of course I'm going up to Chicago in February to see my friend Liz, and we are planning on a birthday celebration weekend for my birthday in March.

Believe in Blue!! Who do you want us to play? I am leaning towards the Saints (gotta rep Purdue alum Brees) but Jan is wanting the Vikings (shocking).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year

Happy New Year! Just wanted to say that. Nothing really new to report. Exciting life I live, no?