Thursday, June 18, 2009


I got to talking with one of my longest and best friends, Abby, the other day. Her and I got to talking about why we lose friends over the years, and it comes down to one little thing: effort. None of my close friends went to Purdue, so I knew that if we wanted to remain friends that it would have to be a 2 way effort. This was also true with many of my other friends who went to various colleges. For the most part, we came out on top, but there were some casualties of not staying in touch, and finding out that we don't have a lot in common anymore. Such is life.

I've said this a million times I think, but it is not difficult to remain close with someone, even if distance is an issue. I can go months and months without actually physically seeing someone and still feel like I haven't missed out on anything in their life. It's called a phone call. These things aren't hard or time consuming, so it always perplexed me when someone would say they are "too busy" to call. Really? 5 minutes is all you need, and if that means keeping someone special in your life, then you bet your ass I'll give them a 5 minute phone call.

As we get older and move away, this will become even harder. I know this. But I believe that I have firmly established who I want in my life and vice versa. That means having to "cut" some people out that really didn't want to be there in the first place, as evidenced by the past 4 years. I'm not mad about it anymore, because I know that you have to just roll with the punches. And trust me, you CAN'T be friends with everyone. Good lord, I know that's true.


  1. Hey Friend! just came across your blog! I clicked on your pic on Abby's blog! check out my babies sometime
    see you soon
    Jen (West Side!)

  2. <3 you laura :)
    and i love your new profile pic...i wish i could get my hair curly like that!
