Who honestly doesn't like the Beatles? Hopefully no one I know. Because I would have to have a long discussion on why you suck at life. Just kidding. But not really.
I took a History of Rock and Roll class junior year at Purdue, and it was hands-down the most amazing class I have ever taken (yes, even better then Wine Appreciation). My teacher looked EXACTLY like Albert Einstein. This man had more energy then anyone I know, and he let you know it. He was the kind of teacher that you wait your whole life to have, especially when you are used to the most boring econ or finance teachers Krannert has to offer (I'm pointing at YOU Bob Holland).
Anyways, I immediately fell in love with this course. I NEVER missed the class, which was a miracle in some peoples' eyes since it was my only class on Friday. I did however go a little bit buzzed/drunk (you be the judge: I had given up drinking for Lent and my birthday happened to be only 4 days after Easter. Tolerance=crap) to class one time on my 21st birthday, but we were watching Spinal Tap, so it was all good. Even though I was the loudest one laughing, and still laughing 5 minutes after the scene. I always sat in the 2nd row because I didn't want to miss a single minute of the class.
Then the amazing day came: The Beatles. Not only did we talk about them the ENTIRE 50 minutes, but a SECOND lecture for the next day as well. It was awesome. Watching them perform for the first time on the Ed Sullivan show made me want to be there so bad. I still get goosebumps.
I guess I just love the fact that a band that has been around for over 45 years still impacts people of all ages. And the fact that I sing AMAZINGLY to all of their songs doesn't hurt either.