I've been told MANY times that I seem like I grew up in the wrong generation. And I wholeheartedly agree. I love the beatles, marvin gaye, wilson pickett, and buddy holly. I never listen to the radio (therefore, my "hip" music is to a minimum). I say certain phrases that people my age don't get. I love retro-looking glasses, clothes, and design elements. One of my best friends, Liz, she thinks that we are friend soul mates living in the wrong era. She has a valid point.
When we used to go to Harry's all the time at school (because I love dive-type bars that are dark, old, and made of wood), we always played the same 3 songs in the jukebox: Got to Give it Up by Marvin Gaye, Renegade by Styx, and the last one was either a beatles song or prince.