So I have been getting some threats that I haven't been doing enough posts, so here I am (I'm pointing at YOU Abby).
So when you don't have a job, and you are looking for one, you have a lot of time on your hands. I have done enough cleaning to feel like I should have a professional maid's license. Do those exist even? I know that if I ever hired a maid, I would want her certified (not that I is my thing).
I have had many a conversation with friends about what the hell we are going to do with our lives. These conversations normally end with us freaking out, questioning why we majored in what we did, and could we have picked a worse time to graduate? While the last thing was out of our hands, the things we did to get here we have to own up to. Sure, looking back now it would have been awesome to major in Nursing or some medical-related field. People are always going to get sick, so that will be in demand. But for some reason or another, we didn't choose that path, instead opting for teachers and accountants and trainers. Such is life.
You know how many times I wished that I had a different major? More times then I wished I had a dog that didn't poop in the kitchen. That is A LOT. Speaking of that, Baxter, PLEASE. You are almost 9 months old. It's time to kick that habit. However, while there are times that I regret what I chose to do with life, I love it. I miss it. I want to do something with everything I learned in the past 4 years. Except accounting. That shit I will PASS on. Nothing like a big slap in the face in the form of a big fat D on your final grades sophomore year. Taking the class twice was just the remedy. I hate New Zealanders. Is that what they are called? I could care less. I'm not even looking it up because Tony, you aren't worth it.
Thank God I have supportive friends and family, because now is the time when you need them. And I stay positive most of the time, but I have my days. Who doesn't? I never said I was perfect. But I guess what I am trying to say is that I am ready for life. Not that I haven't enjoyed kicking back for the past 2 months. As my lovely friend Jeni says, "You have your whole life to work. Enjoy it while it lasts." And I have. Life is finite. There is a beginning, a middle, and though no one likes to talk about it, an end. Remember that the next time you think you are having one hell of a bad day. One of my favorite quotes: "Just when you think you have it bad, someone out there has it 10 times worse."
In times like this, those words ring true in everyones' ears.